What Sailing Means to Us

What Sailing Means to Us

It should be no surprise that all of us here at San Diego Sailing Tours absolutely loves sailing, but for us what we do really embodies the phrase “If you enjoy what you do you will never work a day in your life.” It isn’t even just that you are part...

The Best of San Diego Party

Valley View Casino & Hotel is throwing the biggest Good-Bye To Summer Party. They are going to be bringing some of the best food, brew, and liquor together from all of San Diego’s favorites. Many of them featured in San Diego’s Best Restaurants and...

Top 3 Craft Breweries in San Diego

San Diego is known for many things, and one of the biggest is its craft brewing culture. San Diego is the capital of craft beer in the U.S., and quite possibly the world, with over 200 local breweries located in the county. With this in mind, we thought we’d...

What to do in San Diego Today? (8/14)

As we come towards the end of summer, we want to spend as much time as we can with family and loved ones before we have to get back into the normal swing of things. Here are a couple things to go do in San Diego to end your summer with a bang! #3 Oddities Exhibit:...

Extreme Sailing Series Comes to San Diego

From October 18-21, the Extreme Sailing Series will be in San Diego about 5 meters off of Harbor Island. This is an event where sailing vessels will be maneuvering and racing at incredible speeds along the beautiful San Diego coast. There will be multiple events from...