Basic Sailing Directions and Information

Basic Sailing Directions and Information

One of the most common questions we get here while sailing the San Diego Bay is how to learn to sail. We’re more than happy to help any first-time sailors out on the water learn some of the basic skills it takes to sail under your own power. Here are just a few...
Things to do in San Diego (7/26)

Things to do in San Diego (7/26)

With the weekend coming up right around the corner and the weather getting a little cooler. More San Diegans are making their way outside for some of the local festivities that San Diego has to offer.  Here are a couple of things that you can do to kick your weekend...
Sandcastles and Summer at the Beach

Sandcastles and Summer at the Beach

Part of becoming dedicated to ocean conservation is remembering one of the reasons that we need to preserve the ocean is so that we can enjoy it for generations in the future. We can’t go to the beach and enjoy a summer day if the ocean isn’t clean. When we go to the...

Top Three Things in San Diego Today

#1 High-Key: Color in Southern California The San Diego Art Institute is holding an exhibition of local contemporary artists showing off their abilities. There will be many known artists as well as some more underground artists. Make sure to come out and see San...
Why Summer is San Diego’s Best Season

Why Summer is San Diego’s Best Season

We always write about how San Diego is America’s Finest City, but what does that really mean? What makes San Diego the best city in the country? It’s the best time of the year to answer that question, summer, so we’ll give you a few reasons why San...