Here in San Diego, there is no shortage of sunshine. Sometimes we take our amazing year-round weather for granted so we are looking at 5 benefits of spending a little time in the sunshine.
1. Spending time in the sun can actually cause a release of serotonin to your body! Serotonin is a neurotransmitter found in the body that has been linked to contributing to feelings of happiness.
2. Regular exposure to sunshine can also help humans get their fill of Vitamin D. Vitamin D is an essential vitamin that is recommended on a daily basis.
3. Although many people avoid the sun due to skin cancer, studies show that sun exposure in moderation can actually help prevent certain kinds of cancer including ovarian cancer and prostate cancer.
4. Getting out when the sun is out can also help reduce anxiety and depression. The feeling of sunlight will actually warm your skin and is sure to put a smile on your face.
5. Lastly, getting a regular amount of sunlight can also lower your blood pressure!
After reading that, I know I want to go hop on the boat and catch a few rays! Don’t forget while there are many benefits to spending time in the sun you must monitor yourself. Too much time in the sun can cause sunburn and heat exhaustion. Drink lots of water and throw on some sunscreen after the first 15-30 minutes.

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