How do you view your life today? Are you in the right mental state? Do you love what you’re doing? If you can’t quite answer those questions the way you wanted, maybe take a look at the 10 main ways we think you can alter yourself for the better!

1. Think of every day as brand new! Wake up every day and realize that all the opportunities you have throughout the day, are waiting for you to take on!

2. Discover your values. What makes you, you? What do you want more of? What habits do you want to break?

3. Set Life Commandments. Define your personal commandments to live YOUR best life. What adages and principles do you want to follow in your life?

4. STOP putting life on hold! What has been one area in your life that you’ve denied or neglected? Uncover, and work on that.

5. Design your ideal life. Really take a step back and evaluate what you want to stay in your life, and what you don’t. Set yourself up for success by looking into your ideal future every once in a while to motivate yourself to keep moving.

6. Make your passion your career. If you haven’t already, discover a job that embodies everything you’d like. Use your passion to your advantage! This will also help make work not seem so much like work.

7. Learn from criticism. Be open to criticism, but don’t be knocked down by it. Use it to further develop yourself to be who you want to be!

8. Stay positive! Every single day is a gift! Enjoy life, no matter if it seems to be harsh sometimes.

9. Let go of an unhappy past. So many people are brought down by their past, and get lost extremely quick. Choose to learn from your hardships, and use that past experience to help others around you!

10. Spend more time with those who build you up! Who do you allow around you? Do they benefit your life and well-being? Do they show respect and love towards you, even when it might not always be how you want it? If so, keep them close to you and thank them for their efforts. If not, don’t be afraid to let relationships go, it can only speed up your life-altering journey and who knows? Maybe you’ll inspire them too!

All-in-all, YOU are in charge of yourself. That means you can always improve yourself! Life is filled with glorious opportunities that most people miss without noticing. Realize that your life is very special and original to you. Always remember to SEASLYFE!



















Chua, C. (2018, August 24). 101 Ways To Live Your Life To The Fullest. Retrieved from

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