Citizen Science, Sailors and the State of the Ocean

WHAT IS CITIZEN SCIENCE? In simple terms, citizen science is a way of converting the efforts of various volunteers into measurable results, through the general public’s participation in scientific research. It is, essentially, people-powered research, and it is...

San Diego travel guide: Do’s and Don’ts

Few people who have visited sparkling San Diego need convincing of its endless attributes. Beaches for every personality. Nearly perfect, if chilly at night, weather year-round. Marquee attractions including the San Diego Zoo, SeaWorld San Diego, Balboa Park and...

San Diego’s Seaport Village

San Diego is home to the famous Seaport Village. It is a perfect link between San Diego’s Bay and amazing downtown core. In total, this is a 14-acre waterfront shopping, dining, and entertainment complex. As of right now, this complex includes over 54 unique...

Sailors’ Superstitions

Sailors are people who aren’t shaken too easily, but what will have a sailor quaking in their boots are their own superstitions. Most of them revolve around bad luck and the weather; well that is pretty much our entire life isn’t it? Here is a list of sailors’...


Experts are doing their best to find solutions to the excessive amount of cigarette butts on beaches as Cigarette Butts are not only gross but can harm wildlife. While small, cigarette butts cause big problems for the ocean. The filters are made of plastic and absorb...