Ever hear about the phenomena known as the green flash? It can certainly be a happening as crowds often gather at clear sky sunsets hoping to catch one. Cheers and applause tend to be the reaction on the rare occasion when it occurs. They are best seen and more likely seen at an unobstructed horizon such as over the ocean.

But what exactly IS a green flash? The elusive green flash is an optical phenomena that results when the atmosphere separates the sunlight into separate colors immediately after sunset, manifesting as a green spot just above the location where the sun dips below the horizon or on very rare occasion as a green ray shooting up from the sunset point. It only lasts a second or two so if you’re not focused in on the spot and not paying attention you’ll likely miss this beautiful but very short in duration show that Mother Nature puts on every once in a long while. So head to the beach when you get a chance for a front row seat and you may just be treated to this very cool and amazing performance.

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