It should be no surprise that all of us here at San Diego Sailing Tours absolutely loves sailing, but for us what we do really embodies the phrase “If you enjoy what you do you will never work a day in your life.” It isn’t even just that you are part of the company, but you are a part of the atmosphere. Everyone on the dock knows and greets each other. 

Sailing is an escape away from reality. When we take the helm all of our troubles or worries just disappear and there is nothing that can bother you. We love the water so much that we are willing to dedicate our lives to try and fix the pollution problem that we as humans have left this planet. We have recently started Seas Lyfe, an ocean conservation brand focused on spreading awareness regarding ocean and plastic pollution.

We are about to start a 2-year sailing voyage in November. We will be circumnavigating the Earth documenting plastic pollution and teaching others more sustainable methods of fishing and disposing of plastic and other waste. You are able to follow us at for more on the mission and exactly what we are about.

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