Extreme Sailing Series

The Extreme Sailing Series is returning to San Diego from October 18th to the 21st only about 5 meters from the shore of Harbor Island. They will be sailing in the midst of the San Diego Bay showing off the beautiful landmarks like the San Diego Embarcadaro, USS...

Date Night Fall Festivities

  Call up your local babysitter because the following months have a lot to offer for date night!   #1 Catch a movie and go for a dive! The Pearl Hotel in Point Loma hosts a free “Dive-in Theatre” every Wednesday. You can relax during the...

Top 5 Plastic Items to Avoid

Plastic has become a burgeoning problem for our planet and its oceans, so much so that it has now been integrated into the food chain. Plastic shopping bags are consumed by sea turtles who cannot differentiate them from jellyfish, and plastics breaking down into tiny...

What’s Really at the Bottom of the Ocean?

Most people are already used to seeing the countless pictures of what was absolutely pristine, gorgeous beaches used as trash cans with mountains of plastic on them. They are everywhere; we are easily able to see the amount of trash that we are leaving on our beach,...

Why Sharks Aren’t As Scary As They Seem..

      While shark attacks do occur, they are extremely rare. Many people believe that since they hear of an attack on occasion, it happens regularly. However, the exact opposite is the truth. The extensive media coverage of each encounter puts out the...