Art Around Adams

Art Around Adams

It’s a beautiful day to go outside and enjoy some art! Today, on June 2nd, the annual Art Around Adams event is taking place on Adams Avenue from Normal Heights to Kensington. While walking along the two-mile stretch of Adams Ave, you can enjoy a wide array of art,...
The Grunion Run 

The Grunion Run 

Each year thousands of tiny fish show up on the shores of Southern California during the spring and summer months. What are these fish? They are called Grunions and they’re a species of fish that exchange water for land to spawn during spring and summer nights along...
How To Spot Different Dolphins

How To Spot Different Dolphins

You’re out on the ocean, relaxing on a beautiful vintage sailing yacht, and a pod of dolphins are swimming along the hull. This is an experience you can get right now in while your visiting San Diego with several watersport companies, including San Diego Sailing...
Featured Image: Tuesday Sail

Featured Image: Tuesday Sail

Todays featured image reminds me of beautiful Tuesday afternoons, which we’re having right now. It’s a bit chilly, but wonderfully sunny as usual in San Diego. Perfect for sailing!
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