How Much Plastic is in the Food We Eat?

Marine plastic pollution has become one of the most talked about environmental topics of 2018. It is important for us to first recognize what the main source of marine pollution is. Marine pollution comes mainly from land. Nonpoint source pollution is a term used to...

The Effects that Climate Change has on Sea Turtles

You might have heard that climate change could possibly increase the size of some sea turtle populations, by boosting the number of female turtles. How could that possibly happen? Well, oddly enough, a sea turtles sex is determined by the temperature in the nest!...

Finding the Adventure that Lies Amongst Us

LYFE: Life You Find Exploring, is a central idea that we have been thinking about for years. Some of the best things in life, like adventure, peace, and happiness, are often found when traveling and exploring, finding a sense of fulfillment by transplanting yourself...

Why Take Up Sailing?

Just like any other rewarding past time, when first deciding to start learning how to sail you will run into a couple of roadblocks and you will be able to experience the learning curve firsthand. If it is so much trouble why should I take up sailing in the first...
10 Tips to Restoring a Classic Boat

10 Tips to Restoring a Classic Boat

If you’ve got an aging or damaged boat that has sentimental value, you might be ready to tackle a restoration. Here are 10 tips to keep in mind.   1. Take an inventory of your tools, and then roll up your sleeves and start. It’s that simple. 2. Clean the boat...
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